
AM - Class 4 / Week 8 - Lecture

Walk-Through: Animating Dialogue.

Its is important before you start animating a dialog shot to know how people actually speak in real life, and to study how the movement of the jaw, the tongue, tongue against the teeth, the lips, will all affect the way we speak.
In this lecture Jason Schleifer talks about the mechanics of speech as he is animating a shot with dialog.

Before he jumped into Maya, Jason started of by listening to the audio clip he wanted to animate for few times, wrote down the words from that dialog on a sheet of paper, then on top of that he rewrote it again but Phonetically (how it actually sounds) then he circled out the strong vowels that needed to be emphasized, you'll find an example for this in my next assignment.

When animating a lip sync, anything that happens in the front of the lips is super important to hit in order for it to read clearly, I'll mention some of the main letter that Jason pointed out:
Both lips on P,B,M, & O  -  Both lips & teeth on F, & V  -  Tongue tip & teeth on TH   -   Teeth on S, & Z.

Here is a list of things to be aware of when thinking about how sounds coming out of the lips can affect each other:

- Co-Articulation: when the vowel shape affect the consonant that comes before the vowel, as in the words Steam, & Stu.  
- Dip-Thongs: a vowel sound produced by dropping the jaw in the middle of the vowel.
- The Consonant R: pinching the corners of the mouth as you're saying the vowel to get the R shape.
- Cognate Pairs: two sounds which are different, but made using the same mouth shape, as in Buh & Puh, Fuh & Vuh, 
 Duh & Tuh, Zuh & Suh.

As a general tip, you need to shape the mouth a frame or two earlier before the actual letter is actually pronounced to make 
a more convincing lip sync.

Don't forget about the personalty of your character and the emotional state he is going through, because that will dramatically influence the lip sync performance you're animating.


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