Walk-Through: Eyes & Blinks.
Quick notes:
- We blink to protect our eyes & to keep them moist.
- Pay extra attention to the animation of the eyes because it's the first thing that the audience will look at.
- Don't animate blinks randomly, give them a purpose in a shot to support an action.
- A general timing for a causal blink is: one frame open, one frame inbetween, two frames close, two frames inbetween, and one frame open again.
- When animating a blink, favor the open position as an in-between before the lid is closed, and favor the closed position as an in-between before the lid is opened, if you don't do this favoring you will end up with two in-betweens which have an equal opening, and it will look good.
- Its important to keep in mind that any thought process starts first with the eyes before it goes anywhere else in the body.
- Changing the head direction is always accompanied with a blink.
- Lead the change of head direction with the pupil first.
- Acting is all in the eyes, and almost any change of emotions happens in the eyes.
- Eye-darts makes the character come to life, usually its very quick (2 to 3 frames) and narrow.
- Eyelids helps emphasizing emotions of the character.
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